One evening after work I stopped to pick him up from daycare on the way home, and when I got to his classroom I was met by several of the teachers who told me my son wasn't ready to leave because he hadn't been following directions, and was determined to do his own thing all day. When I looked across the classroom I saw my son busily engaged at play, having a great time, a big smile on his face. No problem, I thought to myself, I got this.
I acknowledged what the teachers told me, and called my son over to me. He came running with his biggest "glad to see you" smile on his face. I smiled back to him, then got down on one knee, put one arm around his shoulders, and whispered in his ear...
I barely got the words out when he broke into a huge grin, his eyes got as big as saucers, his face lit up like a Christmas tree...and he took off, RUNNING (!!!) as fast as his little legs could carry him, screaming and squealing with delight, making a bee line for the main entrance at the far end of the main hallway.
Left in his wake was his dad (yours truly), and three stunned, silent (mostly stunned) teachers who just moments earlier gave me "the 4-1-1" about how they couldn't get my son to cooperate with them. It was all I could do to keep from laughing, because as I walked over to my son's cubby to pack up his belongings to take home, all three of them looked at me with their best imitation of the Three Stooges (you know, Moe, Larry, and Curly) doing the "deer in the headlights" in, they were the deer, I was the headlights.
When one of them finally got her mouth moving, she asked me the question that had to be on all of their minds... "What did you SAY to him...???"
I shrugged my shoulders and said...
Ohhh, would you look at that? I ran out of time...I guess the answer will have to wait 'til next fault, sorry about that...
But in the meantime, if you'd like I hint about what I told my son, and why it was so effective, take a look at this. It will help you with all your relationships, in life, and even in business:
Until next we meet, have a great day...and don't forget:
Keep it Simple... See ya!
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