"The better part of valor is discretion." - Shakespeare
DISCRETION: The quality of having discernment or showing good judgment; ability to make responsible decisions
You may have heard that honesty is the best policy. I heard that too growing up, and I believe it's true.
As true as that is, there's no law that says you have to tell everything about your life to everyone. Being discreet is just as important as being honest.
Sad but true, there are people who need to stay out of your business, whether personal or professional. I say this for two reasons:
1. People will try to STOP you.
You may have heard that everybody loves a winner. That's a lie. Everybody does NOT love a winner. They don't even like winners.
Some people hate to see others experience success. That's a fact. They're so full of envy and jealousy that they can't stand seeing anyone else succeed.
I was told as a child not to let everyone know my plans because they would pray for me to fail. In the years since I have found this to be true.
Here's how to tell when somebody hates to see others succeed: watch how they respond to when someone has a setback. If they seem happy about it, almost to the point of rejoicing, then you'll have your answer. It'll be as plain as the nose on your face.
As bad as that is, there's another reason why you want to keep certain people out of your business:
2. People will try to CONTROL you.
Has this ever happened to you?
You're in a situation where you've got a good thing going. Your experience success, a positive turning point in your life that marks a change for the better.
Then suddenly people who weren't interested in you, never gave you the time of day...want to visit you, talk with you, know all there is to know about you.
They start following your every move like you're a movie star and they're the papparazzi. You wonder why these relative strangers try to pass themselves off as your lifelong "adoring public."
The answer is simple.
You're successful now, you've "got it goin' on," and now they want a piece of the action. Not the work you're doing, but the reward you're getting.
People who never had a reason to look at you twice now want to be all "lovey dovey" and "buddy buddy" with you, for seemingly no reason at all.
Well there IS a reason. They have an ulterior motive, an agenda that has nothing to do with your well being, but everything to do with their own.
You're the goose that lays the golden eggs, and they want to get "fat and happy" at your expense. It's the "Lotto mentality". You know what I'm talking about...
People come out of the woodwork to find out what you're up to. They were "in the neighborhood and thought they'd drop by to see you."
Next thing you know they're offering to "help" you with your day to day routine. They want to become more and more involved with your life, supposedly out of the goodness of their hearts. Yeah, whatever.
They want to invite themselves into your life so they can influence your plans by putting in their two cents, butting in at every turn so they can influence your decisions, conning you into believing they are helping you out, but they're really just interfering because all they're doing is getting IN your way.
Point blank, they want to control everything you say, everything you think, everything you do.
They have no life of their own. They have no desire to exercise their will to improve their lives because it's much easier to impose their will on you so they can exercise your will for their benefit.
Now you may read this and think to yourself, This is awful! Everything you're saying is true... because you know someone who's experiencing this situation, or maybe you're going through it yourself.
You may wonder if anything can be done about this situation, for yourself or for someone you know.
The answer is YES, something can be done...
...and next time, I'll share with you what that answer is...it's a simple answer and very effective. You can benefit from it, and your friends will too...
Here's a hint for next time...keep it in mind for the conclusion, and when it arrives you'll be on the right track...
Until next time, remember:
Keep it simple... See ya!