Tuesday, August 11, 2015

If You Don't Like Sales...Why Do You Do It?

SELL: to influence or induce to make a purchase; to persuade or influence to a course of action

I've heard people say they don't like sales, that they're "not cut out" for that sort of thing. Hearing this makes me laugh. Why, you ask?

Because people sell all the time. Every minute of every day people are selling something to other people.  Don't believe me? Well let me ask you:

Have you ever attended a Job Fair? Gone to a Career Day? Or visited an employment agency? A Career Counseling Center?

Well guess what, Genius?

If you have, the resume you took with you (a"press release" advertising your experience and your skills) was used to offer your time and talents to employers who wanted to buy the services of the ideal candidate at a reasonable price, a price at which the candidate agrees to be paid. 

By definition...that is a sale!  HELLO...? Still there?

It makes no difference whether you're seeking employment in someone else's company, or staring your own business. You are selling your expertise to an employer, customer, client, or partner. 

Companies or clients seeking people or places to invest want to know they're not wasting time and money on anyone who cannot (or will not) make their investment worthwhile.

So point blank, the only way you can bring value to someone else...is to SELL them on what you have to offer! 

Don't coerce or and don't manipulate people to get your way. Just show them the value you can provide so they can decide for themselves if what you bring to the table is worth their time and attention. No more and no less. Simple as that.

Think of that before the next time you claim you don't like sales. You wouldn't have your job, your business, your home, your car, your spouse...and definitely not your kids (!!!) without doing a great sales job.  

(Don't get mad at me, I'm just sayin'...!!)

That's all for now, gotta run.  Until next time, remember:

Keep it simple...  See ya!

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