Wednesday, December 30, 2015

How To Spell S-U-C-C-E-S-S in 2016

RESOLUTION: the act or process of resolving: as the act of determining; firmness of resolve; a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent

At the end of December people make resolutions to welcome the new year. Resolutions are simply changes that people plan for the purpose of enjoying more success in the coming year than they experienced in the outgoing one.

People say they want to lose weight, eat healthier, get rid of old habits like smoking, begin new chapters in their lives. Stuff like that.

At first, it all sounds good. Who doesn't want to change for the better? 

But then those emotional moments of euphoria pass. Life becomes normal again. As some would say, "the rubber meets the road," and then we find out who's really committed to making those changes become reality.

For most, chances are better than good those changes won't happen.

It is rare that people keep those commitments past the end of the new year's first month, let alone the first week.  As February first rolls around, most people are thinking: 

Resolutions? What resolutions? We don't need no stinking Resolutions..!!!

as they are glued to their big screens watching the Big Game, the news, a soap opera, or (gasp) "reality" television. (Face it folks, it's all entertainment. Is there really much difference anymore?)

University of Scranton professor John Norcross, PhD did a study of New Year's resolutions and to quote Gomer Pyle: 

People rarely keep the resolutions they make. (Shocking, I know, right?) Dr. Norcross found as few as 8% of people reach the goals they set when they make resolutions. (You can learn more about Dr. Norcross here:

Many agree with Dr. Norcross that people who make New Year's resolutions usually fail. Just as many believe they know why there is such a high failure rate.

Personally I feel there is one simple explanation...

...and I'll share that explanation in Part 2 because I've run out of time...

Don't worry, it will arrive just in time for 2016, and it's something to keep in mind when you need to stay focused.

So keep your eyes open, and I'll greet you again tomorrow...

Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel...  (oops sorry, had a 60's bad)

That's all for now, gotta run.  Until next time, remember...

Keep it simple...  See ya!

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