Thursday, November 5, 2015

Your Dream Is Your Baby...FEED IT..!!

In the 1996 film "My Fellow Americans," Jack Lemmon's character was often heard repeating to everyone that would listen (and some who wished they couldn't) that "...dreams are our children, they need love and encouragement to grow..."  As crazy as that may sound I believe he was onto something.

In the first part of this post I mentioned how I felt the first time I became a dad. I knew in my heart I would do anything possible to love, nurture, cherish and encourage my child to grow strong and healthy.

I also mentioned how upset you would be at the idea of someone sneaking into a hospital nursery to steal your newborn child, and you'd be right to feel that way.  That child is as much a part of you as your own name and you would fight to your last breath to keep anyone from taking him or her away from you.

(Picture a mama bear defending her cubs and I believe you'll get my meaning... 'nuf said)

I also hinted there is something that's just as much a part of you as your children, but sadly you don't acknowledge its value so you let people steal it away from you day by day because you don't think it matters very much...but I can assure you it truly does.

What is this special something that doesn't seem very special..?

Your DREAMS.  What..?  My dreams..???

Yes, your dreams.  Here's why...

According to Merriam Webster's dictionary (, a dream is "something you very much wanted to do, be, or have for a very long time; a strongly desired goal or purpose.."  Your dream is part of your identity, it validates you as much as your DNA does. It is hard wired into your very being.

The sad part about dreams is that we don't give them much thought because we think they're foolish, silly fantasies not worth much at all.  We think they have no value.  Big mistake.

What we don't realize is that dreams are connected to our hearts like children are connected to our flesh and blood.  (If you are an adoptive parent then you know how love for a child can grow in your heart...dreams do the very same thing)

Losing a dream can be just as traumatic as losing a child.  This is why you see many people walking around with sad faces, broken hearts.  Some have even attempted suicide; they feel their life is no longer worth living for lack of a dream in their heart to pursue. They feel a loss of identity, a loss of purpose, and they lack a sense of fulfillment in their lives.

You may have heard this before and thought it made no sense, but it is still true: 


Just like your child, your dream has great value.  Protect it. Nurture it. Cherish it.  Feed it.  Give it room to grow just as you would your beloved child.

Don't let anyone tell you that achieving your dream is impossible. Only those who quit on their dreams (or never bothered to pursue them at all) would dare try to talk you out of realizing your own.

Just like a child, as you give life to your dream and sustain it, your dream will give you life and sustain you in return.  When all is said and done, your dream can provide something that can sustain you and your descendants through many generations...

A legacy you can be proud to call your very own...and in the long run, such a result will always be worthy of pursuit.

Feed your dream...and live your dream...

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in uncommon hours." - Henry David Thoreau

That's all for now, gotta run.  Until we meet again, remember:

Keep it simple...  See ya!

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