Friday, November 20, 2015

Make Discouragement Your Nourishment

"Now Israel (Jacob) loved Joseph more than all his children...his brothers saw that their father loved Joseph more than all of his brothers; so they hated him and could not [find it within themselves to] speak to him on friendly terms. Now Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it to his brothers, and they hated him even more. Joseph's brothers were envious and jealous of him, but his father kept the words [of Joseph] in mind [wondering about their meaning]." - Genesis 37: 3-5, 11 AMP

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

INSPIRATION: something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create; a force or influence that inspires someone; a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something; a good idea; an inspiring agent or influence

Motivational speaker and businessman Les Brown speaks highly of his longtime mentor, high school teacher Mr. Leroy Washington, who often told him, "Make NO your vitamin," in order to achieve his dreams. He was told to use persistence to wear down people who assault you with NO until they surrender with YES.

That advice may seem counterproductive but as you give it some thought you will learn it's actually quite accurate.  How can this be? It's really very simple.  Let me explain.

Great victories in life require defying the odds. Success demands that you overcome opposition every step of the way. Bodybuilders know that muscle mass is built over a period of time through lifting weights that provide resistance. The more you lift, the stronger you become.

Your resistance in life is the doubters, critics, naysayers, second-guessers, a.k.a."haters," that you face on an everyday basis. No use in denying it, so you may as well acknowledge their existence. It is what it is. 

They try to talk you out of going after your goals, to quit on your dreams...just like they quit on theirs. Yes they do. But don't let it bother you. Success for you is possible anyway, no matter how much they say's why:

Their attempts to distract and discourage you are not guaranteed to work. No, they're not!

Just because they don't want to see you succeed doesn't mean you can't. You don't need their permission, or their approval. They just want you to believe you need it.  But that's a lie. 

The only power they have to stop you is the power you give them. Plain and simple.  But that's not all.

They hope to convince you that their approval is needed to move forward, that you can't do anything unless they say so. They also hope you believe they have the power to scare you into subjection with insults, threats, laughter, mocking, and ridicule. 

They think you'll stop in your tracks if you're too scared of shame, embarrassment, and humiliation to even try. 

But they're wrong. Dead wrong. Truth is...

They hope you don't discover that as you defy them, as you move forward in spite of threats, as you lift the weight they use to hold you down, they will lose their power to intimidate you. 

They won't grow strong as you grow weak; you will grow strong as they grow weak. They won't be able to control you, and you'll grow more powerful in endurance, in persistence, in determination and in confidence with each step forward...whether you stand or fall.

And don't let them fool you into thinking that as you'll be all alone as you step out, that there won't be anyone around to count on, that nobody else can help you but them.  That's not true, either.

Fact is, until you step out, you won't find out how many people are out there who truly can help you. The naysayers in your life try to talk you out of pursuing your vision of a better life simply because they cannot see it.  That's all.

Here's what else they don't realize:

1.  There are people out there who share your vision, who want to meet you where you are, and help you get where you want to go. They see value in your dreams, sometimes more than you do; that's why they want to help you.

2.  Every time your critics oppose you they are doing you a favor. The doubt and uncertainty they use against you is actually fuel for you. It can harden your heart and mind with steely determination. Its power can help you rise above barriers they create to hold you back. 

Don't lose sleep over people who oppose you, who put up barriers to block your progress. What they see as a dead end could really be a detour. Their attempt to make you stumble could be the rod and staff to guide your steps, to aid and comfort you, to keep you on the right path.

So take Les Brown's advice. Make NO your vitamin. Let naysayers become the fire that fuels your engine. Use their negativity to breathe new life into your vision so you can complete your mission.

Turn that stumbling block to a stepping stone, and then into a milestone, a place where you can mark the moment you achieved your great triumph.

Don't despair but be prepared. Be inspired. Be encouraged. You are criticized when you're on the right track. Keep going, stay focused ...and make this moment of conflict a monument to your success.

Make discouragement your nourishment so you can be unstoppable...

...and you'll be phenomenal.

That's all for now, gotta run.  Until next time, remember:

Keep it simple...  See ya!

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