Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Sweetest Revenge

REVENGE:  the act of doing something to hurt someone because that person did something to hurt you; the act of defeating an opponent who has defeated you in the past; an act or instance of retaliating in order to get even; an opportunity for getting satisfaction

When most people hear the word "revenge," the first thought that comes to mind is getting payback. Getting even. You feel that if someone hurt you, you should hurt them back. 

As a child I was told when I went to school, "If someone hits you, then you should hit them back," so the idea of making someone suffer who made you suffer seems pretty natural.

After all, didn't we all grow up with the idea that if somebody did wrong, at the end of the day they should get a "taste of their own medicine"..? That's what I heard, and I bet some of you heard it, too.

Having said all this, you probably also heard that seeking revenge is wrong because it does no good to hurt someone who hurt you first. "Two wrongs don't make a right," is what we were told to justify not seeking to make someone else suffer our pain.

We also heard, "forgive and forget," just let it go as if it was all right that it happened. You know as well as I do that the kind of forgiveness that pretends nothing went wrong doesn't help anyone. 

But you also know that getting back at the person who did you wrong isn't the best strategy either.  So what do you do?

You get revenge! Yes, that's right, you get revenge! 

Now you may be thinking, didn't you just say we shouldn't seek revenge because hurting the other person doesn't help us or them?
Yes I did, but that's not the kind of revenge I'm talking about.

There's a kind of revenge that tastes sweeter than honey in the honeycomb. And it doesn't do anybody any harm, not you, not them, nobody.

I realize this seems like a contradiction, but I assure you it's not.

If you're willing to stick with me I can tell you all about it...

Next time.

But before I go I'll give you this hint: it has a lot to do with what happens when you skin your knee.  Confused? Don't worry, I'll have it all cleared up in Part time.

So until we meet again take care and remember...

Keep it simple...   See ya!

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