Friday, August 21, 2015

When The Going Gets Tough...KEEP GOING!!

PERSISTENCE: the quality that allows someone to continue doing something though it is difficult or opposed by other people; the quality or state of being persistent, especially:

PERSEVERANCE (continued effort to do something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition)

It is said if you chop a tree in a thousand different places nothing happens. But if you chop a tree in the same place a thousand times, the tree will fall.

It is also said a rock, regardless of its size, crumbles as the waters of a gentle stream wear it down over time. 

These incidents may seem isolated but they're not. In both instances the weaker element prevails over the one that appears stronger.

Persistence and perseverance make the difference. How so?

Persistence and perseverance help you to keep doing the right thing over and over again when you don't get the quick results you wanted.

Persistence and perseverance help you to stay focused when frustration comes, as it always does.

Persistence and perseverance give you the fortitude to make another attempt when discouragement from a setback tempts you to give up the fight.

Persistence and perseverance remind you that you're one step closer to your goal when your emotions try to convince you that you're light years away.

In sports, the closer you get to scoring, the harder your opposition works to prevent you from reaching the goal. Why?

Because the opposition sees your progress. Each step is a move forward which causes the opponent to work harder to knock you down, push you back. 

Life is the toughest opponent, but the principle still applies. The opposition is a response to your progress. Life knocks you down because it wants to know how determined you are to complete your mission.

So what do you do?

Keep moving forward...even with all the hits life throws at you:

Don't be discouraged if life slows you down or delays you...

Don't get upset when life throws you a curve that catches you by surprise...

Don't let circumstances make you angry to the point where you feel helpless...

Adversity is a sign that you're doing something right, even if you don't know what that something is.

Point blank, you are making progress, you're moving forward even if it doesn't seem that way.

No matter how slow you're going, if you haven't stopped you're moving forward. Don't stop the momentum, don't give up the fight, don't quit.

Keep swinging that ax. Keep pouring that water over those rocks.

When the going gets can you:

Persist, persevere...take your eyes off the obstacles, keep your eyes on the goal, and no matter what happens...


That's all for now, gotta run.

Until next time, remember:

Keep it simple... See ya!

P.S. If you're the kind of person who keeps getting up after you've been knocked down, you're someone I'd like to connect with. You can reach me on Facebook,
on Twitter (@63MrBryantET)
or on Gmail (

Thanks for reading, and Keep it Simple... Later!

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